The Best E-commerce Solution

Single product page templates
Custom product page templates with any layout and content.
Product image galleries and video sliders
Pre-designed product page templates
Products archive layouts
Single product card to style up the way the products are displayed within the classic products loop.
An archive for related products template
The templates for upsells & cross-sells
Customize the product search archive

Design any shop page layout
Take full control over your e-commerce website with custom Shop page built to increase sales.
Grid and listing layouts to choose from
A smarter organization with product categories
Easily enriched with multiple filters
Super fast AJAX filters
Filter products by price
Range filter type that enables visitors to specify the price range within which to look for the right product.
Check or uncheck price range
Let the visitor narrow down the price ranges within which to look for the products.
Select any product category
Select, Checkbox or Radio filter type to let the visitor choose the needed product category.
Apply the date range
Allow the visitor search within the newest or previous product collections.
Product attributes filter
Enable the visitor to check or select the custom attributes you’ve set for the products.
Search for the needed product
Make it easy to search for the product using the super fast Search filter.
Advanced AJAX search box to ensure everyone finds what they are after
Use customizable product search results preview
Display product search results without reloading
Make it easy to search within one category or tag

Increase your customers’ awareness of the offers and discounts
Emphasize all the benefits
Let the visitor narrow down the price ranges within which to look for the products.
Showcase limited offers
Add any dynamic or static elements to popups to display discounts.
Effectively cut the bounce rate
Increase upsells with dynamic content displayed at the right moment.
Work with returning customers
Engage clients into buying repeatedly showing offers to registered users only.
Wishlist Functionality for desirable products
Provide all the necessary means for your customers to add their favorite products into wishlists.

E-Commerce Product Comparison
Products comparison to let the prospects compare the products and decide on buying based on the quality and price.
Show off products effectively
Product Gallery Sliders
Video Overviews at Hand
Scrollable Product Galleries
Modern Gallery Layouts

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